This is the second in my series on Wholeness where I intend to revisit my own journey and try to map my own personal growth onto a simple timeline... so this article is about “Realisation”. And as I write this page I realise that there has not been one or two of them but more of a continuing flow especially when I began my own self-growth journey.
A Realisation is one of those moments of complete clarity: suddenly you understand something, a decision makes itself or an unplanned event, a catalyst event, just happens. . . out-of-the-blue, there's no turning back. This may be life-changing like starting or ending a relationship, taking a new job, a career change, moving to a new town, falling out with friends or family or something less significant like decluttering your home or wardrobe just because it feels right.
When a Puzzle Comes Together... Realisations can be an idea that suddenly takes hold or an in-the-moment event but is probably also the culmination of a process that has been happening in your sub-conscious for a while... Before the energy puzzle of the idea forms, you may have that underlying feeling of uncertainty, that awareness that you do not feel complete and are looking for something; maybe you feel bored or unfulfilled or just a bit unclear or confused. It may also not be change that you need but that you just need more ingredients to your Life's Cake Recipe :)
More Ingredients Please This in itself was a significant Realisation that I had along the way. I had reached landmarks in my life which I was very pleased with but still had this discomfort within that I was not complete. I did not deliberately chase change and really did try to make the best of where I was but life knew better and threw me opportunities I could not resist!? It was not until I faced a really challenging phase in my life when opportunities just stopped happening and I felt overwhelmed by circumstances that my trust in this process deserted me... all I could do was dig in and get myself through each day.
But had my Journey stopped? A puzzle had actually formed and all those life-changing events mentioned above happened all at once! I actually finally had the people in my life that I wanted but everything else that made me feel secure disappeared. But a new puzzle was in process, a new Realisation was forming. I was being made aware of why I had felt empty and now I was learning how to feel truly Full of feel Whole! This has become a step-by-step inner process which I have shared here with you along the way and I now look forward to what unfolds.
'Your Journey to Being Whole' Series
> (3) Intention – Non-Judgement
> (4) Intention – Non-Interference
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