My theme through 2019 was about Chi, your Personal Power, your true Way of Being, and how when it is healing, you gradually find your life becomes more in tune with who you feel you are and you become aware of aspects that do not nurture you or where personal development is needed. In the Autumn I wrote about Polarities of Choice and how we are all unique and to be really healthy and happy, you may need to see beyond just the A or B option and that actually how you make your Choices is a far more complex puzzle of life ingredients in varying amounts from a far bigger picture of Your Personal Wellbeing. At this start of a new year when we review where we are and plan for the year ahead, it is useful to further understand how we make our choices and the conflict within that may occur.
Polarised Choice? Previously, I wrote about when making a choice or when clarity about something is needed, You (conscious and unconscious) will consider all possible options, bringing them all together to assess their relevancy, value, necessity... all the many reasons that shape us. At some point a Choice may become clear and there is usually a feeling of completion and certainty . But how many times have you made a Choice that you don't feel certain about? One that has uncomfortable compromises or adaptations? One that feels very limited or even that there is no apparent Choice... just one option that is 'ok for now'...?
Feel Torn? More than one Polarised Choice Within? Another aspect of all this is that You can see more than one Choice very clearly but cannot decide between them... you have become Polarised in completely different viewpoints for possibly completely separate reasons. The picture shows how your Mind, Body and Chi each may have different variables defining their choices and subsequently possibly be in conflict with each other. We, as people, have to bring all this complexity together for ourselves and decide a way forward... for some this may seem very simple and it is actually just part of our natural growth process but if complex polarisation has occurred or is constantly in process but never quite concludes, there may be great turmoil within and constant searching for clarity.
On-going Personal Development Self-help, mindfulness, nurturing nutrition, exercise and friendships may help you and sometimes professional support. Being there for each other and seeking understanding is the only way forward for us to truly have nurturing, productive, empowering, stress-free lifestyles without compromises or unhealthy adaptations... Lives where we shine abundantly with love, caring and excitement... one day we will know how! :)
If you would like to book a Healing Self-Development Session, contact me for availability or leave me a message below.
Available: 1 Hour, 1/2 Hour, Individual or Couple, In Person at Clinic or Online :)