This concludes my Series on Your Journey to Being Whole. I started by introducing how I became interested in Wholeness (May 201 8) then followed with the idea of Realisation (June 2018) explaining that when an idea suddenly forms, there is a feeling of clarity and understanding about something... the puzzle has come together in your mind and a picture has formed... which then becomes another puzzle piece in a larger understanding... triggering a new Intention for personal growth. I shared with you how Intention shapes your Journey and that Non-Judgement and Non-Interference are powerful catalysts to keeping you growing. Non-Judgement understands that we are all on a Journey and we all have vulnerabilities and key life lessons; Non-Interference allows each of us to follow our Life Paths as clearly as possible and in a way that teaches us our own lessons but also interacts with others to be part of theirs. As we become more Empowered Individuals, we then become more aware of our Relationships , not just with others but also with ourselves and whether our life on all levels nurtures or drains us. At this stage, understanding about having Empowering Relationship Energy becomes key, taking self-responsibility that your actions empower others and learning to transform others disempowering behaviour into something positive for both of you.
Every step you take in your self-understanding re-empowers the parts of you that have been distorted by your past, this life and inheritances, and eventually it will be stored in your Being as Experience rather than with any attachment or reliving it in the Now. This to me is the Healing Journey and Lessons repeat on different levels until you have covered every 'Module in the Course' !
Once you have healed enough in your Outer Relationships, a deeper Inner Journey begins because you are ready to discover what really matters to you, not just what others think is important or what your genetics dictates. You will start to experience your deeper connection with everything... bringing real feelings, real emotions and can be quite a personal rollercoaster but is the beginnings of being truly authentic and really Real in your Life. An Attuning process follows where all aspects of your Life relate more honestly with each other and underlying issues may come to the surface to be resolved rather than being tolerated or kept hidden.
When an Idea Becomes Real, it's No Longer Just an Idea!! Whilst you are still healing who you truly are, life can feel very uncomfortable however positive your goals. I started this Series with this aim: “Wholeness..? realise you feel peaceful inside and you are part of a beautiful orchestral World where we each have a place and a part to play...” This is Real Freedom, not just an Idea... Life inspires you, engages you and you want to do more :) Face every lesson life sends you. Remember you are on a Journey. Realise Who You Are... press Life's Play button :)
'Your Journey to Being Whole' Series
> (3) Intention – Non-Judgement
> (4) Intention – Non-Interference
If you would like to book a Healing Self-Development Session, contact me for availability or leave me a message below.
Available: 1 Hour, 1/2 Hour, Individual or Couple, In Person at Clinic or Online :)