Kinesiology is a complementary therapy which uses gentle, non-invasive muscle testing to dialogue with the body’s innate wisdom about itself. It helps map all factors contributing to a health concern or life issue and then focuses the healing to enable and update your energy field, moving you forward in your self-development as a whole individual. Kinesiology can help with:
It is probable that health or life concerns are multi-faceted and layered, which is why Kinesiology is so useful in helping target the most efficient and effective healing path for you as a Whole person of Mind, Body and Deeper Consciousness. There are many Schools of Kinesiology and it is also becoming more used by many mainstream health professionals to clarify their treatment decisions. Further information is available from the Professional Body – The Kinesiology Federation (
If you would like to book a Healing Self-Development Session, contact me for availability or leave me a message below.
Available: 1 Hour, 1/2 Hour, Individual or Couple, In Person at Clinic or Online :)